Burst White

& Services

Learning, growing, creating and enjoying each other’s company in a safe and nurturing environment – it’s what we strive for every day for our KANDU clients. We offer a range of options for individuals ages 14 and older of varying abilities and a care team that ensures all health and wellness needs are met. Clients love coming to KANDU, and caregivers know that their loved ones are happy, active, and enjoying a variety of activities and experiences. Our clients broaden their social, emotional, and personal development, and gain a sense of independence and self-worth that everyone deserves.

Ben Waving Hello at Lake

What we Offer

Adult Day Services & Memory Care

Physical and mental health as well as social well-being are the priority of our adult day services and memory care program. Our activities-based program is tailored to each participant’s abilities in a meaningful, safe, and structured environment. Our expert care staff — including certified nursing assistants— provide peace of mind that your loved one is cared for, happy and safe.

Friends smiling together


Our person-centered living skills programs grow our clients’ daily independence. With programs for individuals age 14 and older, we cultivate a personalized plan, taking into account each person’s unique abilities and needs. Not only do participants gain increased autonomy, but they also develop increased social, emotional, and personal wellbeing skills.

Cooking in a Skillet


Buying a movie ticket, using a cell phone, joining a club – knowing how to accomplish these activities and more outside of work give our clients the independence they need to move confidently through their day. Livin’ & Learnin’ is for individuals ages 14 to 18 and includes support reaching personal goals and opportunities to learn new skills with others in the program.

Friends smiling together


A community-based day habilitation program designed to help seniors improve self-help, socialization and adaptive skills. Regularly scheduled community activities are designed to foster positive social behavior and interpersonal competence, greater independence, and personal choice. KANDU’s client service team works cooperatively with each participant and their support system to assess individual needs and develop team-based activities designed to reach specific goals.

Labeling packages with a smile


At KANDU, we believe that our clients can thrive in the workplace with the right support and training. Removing barriers to employment is the primary focus of our workforce programs. Whether matching individuals with employers, providing pre-vocational training, or helping someone return to the workplace after an injury, KANDU’s dedicated staff prioritizes matching clients with work that is both fulfilling and a great fit for their abilities.

Labeling packages with a smile


At KANDU’s Adult Family Home, we extend the person-centered care we provide our clients during the day into a full-time residential housing program. Providing accommodations for up to four individuals at a time, the Adult Family Home is fully accessible and allows residents to build deeper connections with one another.



Designed to provide caregivers with respite from the challenges of providing hands-on care for children with physical and/or intellectual disabilities, KANDU Cares allows caregivers an opportunity to take care of their own physical and mental health, spend time with other family members or just enjoy a few hours to rest or manage other daily living responsibilities. Stay tuned for more details.

For more information or to inquire about program availability, caregivers can contact Isaiah Vance, KANDU’s client services compliance director at ivance@kanduindustries.com or by calling (608) 314-1916.



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🎶 Ready to rock? We are! Celebrate KANDU's new location with Nauti-Nauti live in concert. The perfect afternoon of music, food, and fun for the whole family!

Volunteers from Rock County Human Services CPS Family Support came to KANDU for the United Way Blackhawk Region’s Day of Caring. We’re still putting the finishing touches on moving into our new building, so volunteers helped us hang pipe and drape in the theater room, paint different areas ...throughout the building, and organize some storage rooms. Thank you to all the volunteers and the United Way Blackhawk Region!

#liveunited #dayofcaring

We're opening our doors and throwing a party! Join us Saturday, September 28 as we celebrate the grand opening of our new space. Food, fun, and family-friendly activities await!

We are soaking up the last of the summer sun! ☀️ Minds in Motion clients visited Deer Park in Janesville, then took a stroll on the walking path near Milton's branch of the Janesville YMCA, and finished their excursion with a sweet treat from Cone Zone!

Sharla's Coffee Stop is joining us at KANDU's Grand Opening Party on September 28 with delicious baked goods and some mid-day perk-ups! Luke's Shave Ice, Steve's Deli Dog House & Catering of Janesville, and Auténtica will be there too with more delicious eats! Swing by this... FREE, family-friendly event on Saturday, September 28.

Milton, come meet your new neighbors! KANDU's Grand Opening Party is September 28, featuring live music by Nauti-Nauti, locally made beverages from Timber Hill Winery and Good Works Brewing Co., food trucks serving up delicious eats, and family-friendly activities. Learn more about KANDU ...clients, staff, programs, and services at this community event! FREE ADMISSION 🎟 https://www.kanduindustries.com/event/grand-opening-party/

Livin' and Learnin' went to Palmer Park where Cycling Without Age took clients on trishaw rides, a program provided by the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Rock County. The clients had a great time enjoying the ride and soaking up nature. 🌳

The Cycling Without Age ...program is always in need of volunteers to pilot the trishaw bikes. Anyone interested in volunteering can reach out to the Mobility Manager at 608-757-5408.

The last time the Janesville Area Retired Educators Association - JAREA visited KANDU, they came to a presentation KANDU's Adel Street location in Janesville. This time, they got to visit us at our new location in Milton! We are so grateful for the long-standing support of community ...organizations like Janesville Area Retired Educators Association - JAREA 💙