Ways to Give

Team rowing a dragon boat

For more information about supporting KANDU Industries, call

(608) 755-4123


Giving is more meaningful when you are empowered to give in a way that best fits your lifestyle. We have a variety of opportunities for you to make a difference in the lives of more than 200 individuals with disabilities or disadvantages. Whether you give of your time, your talent or your treasure, it all makes a tremendous and positive impact! You can feel good that when you support KANDU, you are changing lives and fulfilling dreams.


Make a one-time donation or set up a recurring weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual gift.

Or text “GIVE” to


Remember KANDU in your will, trust, or other planned gift and know that you will be making an impact for years to come. You can also honor a loved one, while supporting KANDU, by setting up a memorial fund in their name.


Fund Development Director
Linda Ross
608.755.4123 (ext. 109)


Share your passion for KANDU with your own fundraising webpage! We’ll help you create a peer-to-peer webpage you can send to your network. We can also help you create a fundraising campaign through your workplace, school, or place of worship.


Fund Development Director
Linda Ross
608.755.4123 (ext. 109)


Foster a culture of philanthropy within your organization by setting up a matching gift campaign or launching a workplace fundraiser. You can also extend your philanthropic efforts to your customers by donating a percentage of sales from your products, services, events, or auctions.


Fund Development Director
Linda Ross
608.755.4123 (ext. 109)


We put FUN in Fundraiser, and you can too! When you support the KANDU mission by sponsoring one of our popular events, you are not only supporting a great cause, you are also elevating your organization’s brand as a leader in the community.


Fund Development Director
Linda Ross
608.755.4123 (ext. 109)


You can give back to KANDU through your everyday purchases.

RaiseRight: Support KANDU by purchasing gift cards for the retail and restaurant locations you regularly visit. A percentage of every card you purchase goes to our organization.

RoundUp: Donate the spare change from your everyday purchases to KANDU.

KANDU Wishlist: KANDU clients use a wide variety of supplies each day for both work and play.

If our options don’t suit your preference, we will customize a giving strategy that works for you. Contact us.

Fund Development Director

Linda Ross
608.755.4123 (ext. 109)


Help ensure that every KANDU client is filled with a sense of accomplishment and purpose. We offer a wide range of giving options so you can feel great about supporting KANDU in a way that best fits your lifestyle. Or consider volunteering with KANDU and experience first-hand the transformative work we do.

“Growing up we never really expected much because we were told Carissa won’t be able to do this, she won’t be able to do that…If KANDU didn’t exist, I don’t know what we would do. I cannot imagine a world without the support we get from KANDU.”

Tammy Welter, Mother of a KANDU Client

Man Smiling with purple hat and track jacket


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Milton’s Police Chief Brandon Sachse and Milton City Administrator Paul Hensch came on a tour to check out KANDU's new facility and chat with clients. Thanks for visiting and welcoming us to the Milton community!

And we are finally all under one roof! Today all KANDU clients and staff have officially moved into our new facility in Milton. We cannot wait to continue exploring our new home!

Clients played a hand-made game where they had to manage their money. One client had to spend $50 to take his dog to the vet while others had to pay student loans, put gas in their cars, buy groceries, and purchase new tires for their cars. Some clients were lucky and received holiday and birthday ...money and a $300 bonus for coming to work on time for three months in a row. Life sure can get expensive!

Talk about the end of an era – it's our last day at Adel Street! Come Monday, we will all be under one roof at our new facility in Milton! But today, we are taking a moment to celebrate. We had a special lunch, played bingo (with LOTS of prizes), and finished the day with some games ...including an especially fun game of kickball on the empty production floor.

Did Nauti-Nauti knock your socks off at Music at the Marv this past Tuesday? Catch another awesome performance by Nauti-Nauti at KANDU's Grand Opening Party on September 28! Admission is free! More details: https://www.kanduindustries.com/event/grand-opening-party/

July is Disability Pride Month and this is the Disability Pride flag. Ann Magill, a writer with Cerebral Palsy, designed the first disability pride flag in 2019. Each color on the flag represents a different category of disabilities. Red = physical, Gold = neurodiversity, White = invisible ...disabilities and those not yet diagnosed, Blue = emotional and psychiatric disabilities, Green = sensory disabilities. The faded black background represents mourning and rage for victims of ableism. Together, these colorful bands represent a light that cuts through the darkness. Ann Magill did not seek copyright of this flag design since so many people offered suggestions, she felt it represented the whole community.

Clients in KANDU's ISP program had a bunch of fun together playing with the parachute! Activities like this game allow clients to practice and build physical, social, and cognitive skills to enhance overall well-being.